Vitamin Soup

Despite all the cakes, pies, pies and irresistible temptations to turn to a healthier variant, I think we all need it.
As a habit, whatever I prepare for lunch, every second day we have vitamin soup as an appetizer. Sometimes I make it like a cream soup, sometimes ordinary.

For this vitamin bomb I will reveal a secret that you may not know. ⬇️ ⬇️

We need:
πŸ₯•2 carrots
πŸ₯”1 potato
πŸ₯—1 ΠΏΠ°ΡˆΠΊΠ°Π½Π°Ρ‚
πŸ₯—1 celery root chopped to the size of a palm
πŸ₯—2 sticks of celery.
πŸ₯£1 palm millet or quinoa
πŸ₯¦πŸ₯¦ A few sprigs of cauliflower and broccoli (occasionally optional)

Grate the carrots and parsnips, put the potatoes, celery and sticks in the chopper on @ to chop them well, but not too finely!
We put all the vegetables in a pot and fry them with a little olive oil and season with vegeta natural on @ podravka.makedonija (I use it non-stop because there are no preservatives or additives) and black pepper.

They are briefly fried, hot water is added and millet is added as a substitute for vermicelli and believe me, once you try it, you will add it non-stop because there is no difference in taste and the benefits are much better. πŸ’―
(I use millet because it boils faster than quinoa which needs a little more time) βœ…

Bring to a boil over medium heat and add the broccoli and cauliflower, they need very little time to soften (about 10 minutes. Approximately)

  • Optional
    When the soup is ready and it is lukewarm, beat 1 egg and add 1 squeezed lemon, it looks richer and tastier πŸ‘Œ

That’s all 😊πŸ₯£

#healthysoup #vegetablesoup #cookingathome